Policy Division
Roles of Policy Division
The role of Policy Division of the Office Of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) is to take lead and work in collaborations with all Vanuatu Government Ministries, partners, stakeholders, private sector and civil society to deliver and achieve the following goals:
- Define ICT Strategy Road Maps and Frameworks for Information and Communications Technologies to achieve specific priorities outlined within the Vanuatu National Sustainable Development (VNSDP)2030 Plan priority goals
- Develop, review and update National ICT Policies and Guidelines in alignment with Vanuatu Government VNSDP 2030 Plan
- Develop, review and update National ICT Standards
- Develop , review and update National ICT Regulations and Legislations to meet evolving threads within the landscape of ICT and Telecommunications industries to reflect compacts of current and future threads
- Provision Rules of ICT Operations Management and Controls to tighten standards and best practices of Government Services deliveries within the ICT and Telecommunication sector in merged with other line ministries and other stake holder.
- Undertake ICT and Telecommunications Consultations dimensions with different consultations while developing strategies, policies guidelines and regulatory frameworks to safeguard the population of Vanuatu
- Control and Monitor ICT Strategies, Policies and Regulations Implementations inline with VNSDP 2030
- Undertake Compliance of Policies, Standards, Regulations, Legislations and ICT Operations Management and Controls